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Macleod’s Clinical Examination 15th Edition 2024



چاپ: 15th
پاڼې: 440
بڼه: PDF

Macleod’s Clinical Examination 15th Edition 2024

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Product Description

Macleod’s Clinical Examination 15th Edition 2024

“Macleod’s Clinical Examination, 15th Edition (2024)” is a thorough and dependable resource for medical students and healthcare professionals, providing critical skills for clinical practice.
This edition, known for its clarity and thoroughness, contains step-by-step instructions for performing patient assessments such as history taking and physical examinations.
It covers a wide range of systems and techniques while emphasizing patient-centered care, and has been updated to reflect the most recent medical practices and guidelines. The book, which includes detailed illustrations, practical tips, and real-life case studies, is intended to help students improve their clinical reasoning and diagnostic accuracy. “Macleod’s Clinical Examination” remains a valuable resource for learning the art and science of clinical evaluation in modern medicine.

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ډيزل (Diesel): ډېزل هغو تېلو ته وايي چي تر پټرولو ارزانه دي او په ډول ډول انجنونو كي په كاريږي. خو اصلي خبره داده چي الماني مخترع روډولف ډيزل (Rudolf Diesel) په ۱۸۹۲ع.كال د انجنونو داسي يو سيسټـم اختراع كړ

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مسواك وهل هغه سنت دى چې رسول اكرم صلي الله عليه وسلم ورباندي ډير زيات تاكيد كړيدى، چې وايي: كه زما په امت باندې دا سخته نه تمامېدلى، نو د هر لمانځه لپاره به مې په مسواك وهلو ورته امر

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