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How to win friends and Influence people



پاڼې: 216
بڼه: PDF

How to win friends and Influence people.

By: Dale Carnegie

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Product Description

How to Win Friends and Influence People” is a timeless self-help classic that has transformed the personal and professional lives of millions. Originally published in 1936, this essential guide provides proven strategies for building stronger relationships and persuading others.

The book is divided into four main parts:

  1. Fundamental Techniques in Handling People – This section covers principles like becoming genuinely interested in others, avoiding criticism, and giving sincere appreciation.
  2. Six Ways to Make People Like You – Carnegie outlines methods for making a good first impression, remembering names, and becoming a good conversationalist.
  3. How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking – This part focuses on techniques for avoiding arguments, being a good listener, and letting the other person save face.
  4. Be a Leader: How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment – The final section provides guidance on becoming a more effective leader, delegating responsibility, and criticizing constructively.

Throughout the book, Carnegie draws on a wealth of real-life examples and anecdotes to illustrate his principles in action. Readers will learn how to navigate social and business situations with poise, empathy, and influence.

By applying Carnegie’s time-tested methods, anyone can improve their interpersonal skills and achieve greater personal and professional success.

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Hamdullah Ahmadzada

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طریقت د قران اوحدیث له نظره

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اخلاق او آداب
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