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Creative Writing: A Practical Guide for Young Writers



پاڼې: 101
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Creative Writing: A Practical Guide for Young Writers.

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Product Description

Creative Writing by Evan Moor.

A Practical Guide for Young Writers, the “Creative Writing” is a delightful and efficient tool that has been designed to help young imaginative boys and girls and tell stories with brilliant creativity.

This guide targets students and gives an orderly technique to assist a child to step into various forms of writing, from the narrative of the fiction to the cryptic metaphors of poetry and even an opinionated article. The tome teaches the reader how to construct captivating stories through points such as character development, setting, plot structure, and descriptive language.

What differentiates it from the rest is the exercises and prompts that you can be hands-on with, and the imaginative and fun feeling of these exercises also enhancing basic writing skills when you yourself are walking on the learning path.

Moor puts a premium on the fact that without consistent practice it is hard for students to improve. So, he provides a myriad of scenarios with simple instructions that can get students to brainstorm new ideas and help them to develop their own writing style through exploration.

“Creative Writing” does not only function as a workbook, but its main job is to arouse creativity and confidence in young children. This will, in turn, help them to become storytellers and make them part of the storytelling community at a tender age.

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