Clinical Anatomy for Dummies
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Clinical Anatomy for Dummies
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The book Clinical Anatomy for Dummies is an easy-to-follow and accessible guideline that helps readers understand the human body anatomy and functions. Through the “For Dummies” style, it is written in this way. Clinical Anatomy is a review of clinical anatomy in general, so it can be a much useful book for people in the medical field as well as interested people in the body.
It provides a clear understanding of the main anatomical systems such as the skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and urinary systems with its description of the important structures, their locations, and their roles in the general functionality of the organism. This content is clearly and concisely stated and is supported by the images, diagrams, clinical examples so as to make the subject matter easier to comprehend.
Moreover, except the thorough anatomic coverage, Clinical Anatomy for Dummies also gives you the ways of how you can keep and implement the obatined date in clinical practice too. It provides skills that would involve studying effectively, preparing for exams, and communicating with patients, thus it is a very useful thing for both a student and a healthcare professional.
Introduced whether it comes to gaining understanding of the splendid human anatomy or simply goes deeper inside the body, Clinical Anatomy for Dummies another informative guide that comes as a one with the skill of explaining even obscure things thus it is a helpful instrument for both, medicine and healthcare aficionados.
د لومړنيو مسلمانانو د صبر او ثبات عوامل دلته د ډير پياوړي عقل او غټ زړه خاوندان هم له حيرت نه ګوته په غاښ دريږي، او د لوى علم او پوهې خاوندان هم دا پوښتنه كوي چې هغه كوم عوامل
ارهان پاموک د ترکیې نامتو لیکوال او ادیب ښاغلی ارجن پاموک په ۱۹۵۲م کال کې د ترکیې په پلازمېنه استانبول ښار کې وزیږېده. هغه په یوې لویه کورنۍ کې را لوی شو. چې خپل ماشومتوب یې په دوو ناولونو کې
شکره او د انسولین رول د شکرې ناروغې یوه اوږده یا مزمنه ناروغي ده. په دې ناروغۍ کې په وینه کې د شکرې یا خوږې اندازه لوړېږي. کوم شکره لرونکي خواړه چه هره ورځ موږ خورو، نوموړي خواړه د هضمي
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