Clementes Anatomy Dissector 3rd Edition
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Clementes Anatomy Dissector 3rd Edition
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Clemente’s Anatomy Dissector, 3rd Edition, is an excellent tool that brings students’ and health workers’ skills in the dissection of the human body to a level of perfection. It has been composed by Dr. Carmine D. Clemente, a well-known anatomist, who gives straightforward, step-by-step advice on dissection of the human body in an easy way, making it so users could understand.
This dissection manual, which was the third edition of this book the one most used by students, is now entirely refurbished and amplified to include the utmost anatomical knowledge and advanced techniques. The readers have the chance to dissect the human body, as zoologists do in class, for the whole body with the presence of the upper and lower limbs, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, and head, and neck.
Each chapter is equipped not only with detailed information but also with sharp visuals taken by illustrator and photographer, which give a clear view of the operational area and the relations between the anatomical parts. Clinical data are also included in the text, showing the relationship of the dissection to the medical field.
Clemente’s Anatomy Dissector is a book, in its entirety, that everybody using to teach, learn or work on healthcare facilities would find it to be of great help. The fact that it is comprehensive, provides clear descriptions and is well-illustrated makes it indispensable for obtaining knowledge about the human body from tactile experience.
در لغت: عدالت در لغت از عَدَلَ يَعدِلُ گرفته شده است وآن در برگیرندۀ دو معناي متضاد استواء (برابری) و اعوجاج ( کجي) می باشد، و در اينجا معناي اول مراد است، پس معناي عَدَلَ خلاف جور و ظلم است،
په دې خبره د ټولو علماوو اتفاق دی چې که څوک روژه نه نيسي او له فرضيت څخه يې هم انکار کوي، هغه له اسلامه وتلی دی، او که څوک له کوم عذر پرته د رمضان روژه وخوري خو له
ناروغ تر څو پورې چې دسړي هوش او حواس پر ځای وي تر هغی پوری لمونځ په هيڅ شان نه معاف کيږي . ۱- که ناروغ په ولاړه لمونځ نشي کولای يا د دريدلو توان نلری يا یې سر ګرځې
نن ورځ ښځه د ډېرو شیانو غوښتنه کوي او داسې ګومان کوي چې نوموړي شيان زما ضایع شوې حقوق دي، د هغې د اعاده کولو لپاره هلې ځلې کوي، دبېلګې په توګه: د سړي په څېر برابر حقوق غوښتل، د
خواله رسنیو کې موږ سره مل شئ
له نورو سره یې شریکه کړئ