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Boundaries : When to Say Yes, How to Say No To Take Control of Your Life


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Product Description

Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend:

A Guide to Healthy Relationships and Personal Growth

The book “Boundaries” and it is written by Dr. Henry Cloud (an acclaimed leadership expert, clinical psychologist and New York Times bestselling author. Author of 45 books) and Dr. John Townsend (a business consultant, leadership coach and psychologist) who provides readers with reliable information on guidance.

They explain how to achieve a better control of your boundaries while not only at work and in relationships but in families as well.

The book is a practical guide on boundary setting, read in one sitting, you will be more aware of your inner voice talking to you every time you read another chapter.

Cloud and Townsend shared the frequently encountered issue of people having difficulties in saying “no” and dealing with the guilt or anxiety they suffer from. They reveal the fact that the relevance of obeying is not a problem even if you can be more rational than your child.

According to them, Limitless unlike Crystal ungraceful reveals one world where everybody walks toward it together. Bill is the lecturer who showed how the cognitive factors of fear and heart rate can be conditioned. The authors further pointed out the significance of realizing when others abuse and how we can communicate these limits effectively and assertively.

Like in the novel, “Boundaries” guides readers to take hold of their lives using a self-informed and a self-caring approach leaving no room for the guilt of selfishness. We can surely say that this book is a must-read for someone who is tired of being in a bad relationship, moving from one to another and back to the first one, is the only pattern the person knows.

The people are in the center of a rivalry outburst and divinity does not stand up until one group monopolizes it. To communicate this game in the classroom one can stand at the board with many different colored cubes. The children will find the game both interesting and amusing. by using such cognitively manipulations.

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کتاب او مطالعه

مطالعه څنګه دود کېدای سي؟

دا پوښتنه چې مطالعه څنګه دود کېدای شي ډېره زړه ده، خو نوي اړخونه هم لري، موږ اورو چې بايد کتابونه ولولو خو کوم کتابونه؟ څنګه کتابونه او … ۱ ـ تاسې وينې چې د اکثره افغانانو اقتصاد کمزوری دی


قرانکریم ډول ډول ژباړل شوی او مفسرین یې هم یوشانته نه دي، ولې؟

5: متی العربی: ستاسو قرانکریم خوهم یوسف علی ئې یوه ژباړه کړې، محمدپکتیال ئې بله ډول ژباړه کړی اومفسرین ئې هم یوشانته نه دی داڅنګه؟  ځواب:یوه ژباړه ده، اوبل ورژن دی،لومړی ژباړه څه شی ته وایی؟ ژباړه: د ژباړې مطلب

ایمان، عقیده او اړوند

د الله  تعالی په اړه عقیده باید څنګه وي؟

د الله  تعالی په اړه باید مسلمانان دا عقیده ولري. ۱: الله  تعالی یو دی. ۲: الله  تعالی لائق د عبادت دی او د هغه څخه سوا بل څوک لائق د عبادت ندي. ۳: الله  تعالی سره هیڅوک شریک نشته. ۴:  هغه په هره خبره


فضا ته د لمړي انسان تګ

یوري ګاګارین (Юрий Гагарин (Yuri Gagarin  تشیال (فضا) ته د لمړي انسان تګ روسی هواباز او ستورمزلی یوري ګاګارین د ۱۹۳۴ ز کال د مارچ په نهمه د روسیې د سمولنسک اوبلاس ښار د کلیوشینو د کلي په یوه بزګره

خواله رسنیو کې موږ سره مل شئ

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