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The 4-hour workweek: Escape 9–5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich



کال: 2009
پاڼې: 599
بڼه: PDF

The 4-hour workweek: Escape 9–5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich

By Timothy Ferriss.

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Product Description

Tim Ferriss’s revolutionary book The 4-Hour Workweek teaches readers to think differently about work and lifestyle directly. In this book, Ferriss takes readers through how to design their way of life so they can be free, flexible and fulfilled rather than becoming a slave to the 9-to-5 grind. It’s about learning to automate income, outsource tasks and do no more than what is truly necessary in order to drastically reduce the number of hours worked each week while still maintaining or even increasing our previous level of output.

Ferriss distills his approach down to four essential components, by which he outlines: Definition, Elimination, Automation and Liberation (DEAL). He details the way to remain focussed on meaningful tasks, delegate or remove your distractions and create passive income streams via practical tips, case studies & tools. In this trend, readers are encouraged to adopt remote work and mini-retirements as they design their life — living it on purpose instead of pushing happiness 40+ years down the line.

The advice is practical, and thus it caters to entrepreneurs, execs or anyone seeking more time in life for passion projects & personal experiences. It provides a step-by-step blueprint for becoming part of the New Rich (NR) who are severing ties with the traditional “deferred-life plan” and instead, pack 20 years of work into just four.

About the Author:

Timothy Ferriss is a best-selling author and widely regarded tech entrepreneur, who the new rich often look up to in search of lifestyle design inspiration. His books, podcasts and blog have inspired millions of people to rethink what they believe is possible with work, health and personal success.

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