Rich Dad Poor Dad:
By Robert T.Kiyosaki.
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Rich Dad Poor Dad:
By Robert T.Kiyosaki.
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Rich Dad Poor Dad by R.T. Kiyosaki — a book that not only defies conventional beliefs about money, wealth and education but it also has its unique list of no-use-shit stuff you can learn exclusively from the rich according to his dad! • Using his own “poor dad” example versus the story of how he grew up with a mentor as his best friends ‘rich dad’, Kiyosaki shows two sides to money, one that will get you rich and give back or spend another way leading either into wealth, poverty or in debt.
It provides a foundational framework to attain financial freedom, drawing an itinerary which takes reference from money management and why putting your money into assets rather than liabilities is important. Kiyosaki introduces concepts like passive income, owning your own business and the benefits of real estate (and other businesses) as a way to build wealth. The ‘poor dad’ spouts safe advice about more education and job security, while the ‘rich dad’ batters home gut-wrenching maxims advocating risk-taking and acquiring assets to generate cash flow, not just relying on a high salary.
رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ټبر د عرب په بنو اسماعيل كې دقريشو دقبيلې دهاشم له كورنۍ څخه دى چې دنسب لړۍ يې داده : محمد بن عبدالله بن عبدالمطلب بن هاشم بن عبدالمناف بن قصى بن كلاب بن
مونږ بايد يهود په حقيقې معنی سره وپيژنو، خصوصا په اوسنې حالت کې کوم چه ټوله دنيا فتنو نيولې، هرځاي کې جنګ او جګړې روانې دي، يو بل ته زهرجنې برنامې جوړيږي او اسلامي حکومت نشته ، د اسلامي حکومت
عن ابن مسعودرضي الله عنه عن النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم قال :لاتزول قدم ابن ادم يوم القيامة حتي يسأل عن خمس عن عمره فيماافناه وعن شبابه فيماابلاه وعن ماله من اين اکتسبه وفيماانفقه وماذاعمل فيماعلم (رواه الترمذي) له حضرت
وروسته له هغه چې په مکه کې د پيغمبر صلى الله عليه وسلم پر وړاندې د قريشو ځورونې زور واخيست او د نوموړي د وژلو نيت يې وکړ، پيغمبر صلى الله عليه وسلم اړ شو، څو له مکې څخه مدينې
خواله رسنیو کې موږ سره مل شئ
له نورو سره یې شریکه کړئ