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Macleod’s Clinical Examination 15th Edition 2024



چاپ: 15th
پاڼې: 440
بڼه: PDF

Macleod’s Clinical Examination 15th Edition 2024

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Product Description

Macleod’s Clinical Examination 15th Edition 2024

“Macleod’s Clinical Examination, 15th Edition (2024)” is a thorough and dependable resource for medical students and healthcare professionals, providing critical skills for clinical practice.
This edition, known for its clarity and thoroughness, contains step-by-step instructions for performing patient assessments such as history taking and physical examinations.
It covers a wide range of systems and techniques while emphasizing patient-centered care, and has been updated to reflect the most recent medical practices and guidelines. The book, which includes detailed illustrations, practical tips, and real-life case studies, is intended to help students improve their clinical reasoning and diagnostic accuracy. “Macleod’s Clinical Examination” remains a valuable resource for learning the art and science of clinical evaluation in modern medicine.

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عبادات، فضایل او آداب

د پټي خولې غوره والی

معاذ بن جبل رضي الله عنه وایي: رسول الله صلی الله علیه وسلم ویلي دي : تر څو چې ته پټه خوله یې روغ به یې کله چې دي خبري پیل کړي یا به دي په ضرر وي او یا

اسلام او ساینس

مسواک وهل د ساینس له نظره

نبوي لارښوونې، مسواک وهل او ساینس Research on Natural Tooth Brush By: Dr. David پر مسواک باندی د روغتياپال ډاکټر ډېويډ څېړنه ډاکټر ډېویډ پخپل کتاب (هلته چې ډاکټر نه وي، Where there is no Doctor ) کې لیکي: تاسې

تغذیه، خواړه او توکي
Hamdullah Ahmadzada

هګۍ؛ خوراک او هم روغتیا

هګۍ؛ خوراک او هم روغتیا د سهار چای لپاره باید لومړنۍ انتخاب هګۍ وي ځکه چې دغه خواړه هغه غذايي مواد لري کوم چې انسان له مهمو ناروغیو ژغورلی شي. نن غواړو د هګۍ ځینې مهمو ګټو سره مو اشنا

خواله رسنیو کې موږ سره مل شئ

له نورو سره یې شریکه کړئ


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