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How to write a business plan?



پاڼې: 291
بڼه: PDF

How to write a business plan?

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Atomic Habits
Product Description

The book “How to Write a Business Plan” is an in-depth tutorial that shows readers how to make a well-organized and useful business plan. The book talks about all the important parts, such as:

Creating a business idea and goal
Conducting market research and competitive analysis.
Outlining your services and goods and what makes them special
Making cost predictions and cash forecasts
Making a plan for sales and marketing
Finding important goals and plans of action
Putting together a skilled and convincing presentation of your plan

The book talks a lot about how important a business plan is for starting a new business, making it grow, and getting money for it. It provides useful tools, samples, and step-by-step tips to help entrepreneurs of all experience levels build a compelling plan that explains their business idea clearly and compellingly.

With this guide, readers will have the tools and confidence to build a thorough business plan that can improve their chances of startup success.

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