خوښ مو شو؟ شریک یې کړئ

How Successful people think



پاڼې: 226
بڼه: PDF
د نصاب کتابونه
Atomic Habits

How Successful people think?

By John C. Maxwell.

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Product Description

In “How Successful People Think,” John C. Maxwell focuses on the necessary mindset one should possess in order to be successful with practical implementations. Worth noting is that this is one of the core principles that Maxwell as an expert in leadership and personal development puts in his work, making it easy to understand how differently people react to challenges and opportunities. He outlines certain thinking styles, for instance – big picture thinking, reflective thinking and strategic thinking – and explains how such methods facilitate effective decision making, problem solving and exploiting opportunities.

Maxwell is also quick to point that we should pay attention and be deliberate on how we think, where he motivates the readers to take up affirmative and productive mental practices. It is by doing so, that she goes on to state, will the two help the individual realize higher degrees of potential, whether for personal or work-related issues.

“How Successful People Think,” is a mix of case studies and practical tips and is therefore worthy to anyone who wants to change the way he thinks and the things he achieves.

همداسې نور


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آیا د پنځو لمونځونو وختونه ثابت دي؟ د جهري او خفي لمونځ حکم څه دی؟

 پوښتنې: آياد قرآن كريم څخه د پنځو لمونځونو وختونه ثابت دي اوكه نه {2} قدرمنده زما پوښتنه دلمانځه په اړه داسي ده چي 🙁 دماښام ،دماسخوتن او دجمعي مبارکي فرض لموځ ولي په جهر سره او پاتی نور لمونځونه په

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د روژې شل (۲۰) بحثونه

اول بحث: د روژې تعریف: روژې تعریف : (صوم) په لغت کې بندولو ته وايي. روژه په اصطلاح کې د ځان بندول دي د خوړو، څښو او جماع څخه د فجر صادق (سبا راختلو) څخه تر لمر پرېوتلو پورې .

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د هند سمندر

د هند سمندر د هند سمندر چې د نړۍ د پنځه ګونو لويو سمندرونو له ډلې څخه دی په ختیځه نيمه کره کې موقعيت لري.‌ د هند سمندر د درې لويو وچو له خوا چاپیر شوی دی:‌ په لويديځه خوا

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