BD Chaurasia Human Anatomy 8th Edition Vol 2
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BD Chaurasia Human Anatomy 8th Edition Vol 2
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BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy Volume 2 PDFVolume 1: UPPER LIMB & THORAXWith ancilliary Online access on OVID by Bhaargava, Ms. Jurusan Anatom Clinical Review This is about a best book that can help you to find your knowledge and improve yourself bro! This is another gem by the famous Indian anatomist Dr. BD Chaurasia and this book covers thorax, abdomen & pelvis portion of human anatomy.
Coverage includes an overview of the gross anatomy, microscopic anatomy, functional correlations and historical changes-history-taking –as well-priority in running over a care-occasion; delivered to any group healthcare folks. It includes excellent art work, clear explanations and clinical correlations which add a wonderful guideline to the more intricate parts of the body.
Volume 2 includes information on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, supporting apparatus (digestive tract, urinary organs) reproductive structures as well as bodily cavities. The text is structured in a way that is very easy for the reader to navigate, with each chapter taking you through all of the important anatomical systems along with their clinical applications.
A Pablootc provides a link to download PDF of Human Anatomy Third edition by BD Chaurasia More about the book read it’s features. With consistent coverage and complete lists of well-organized clinical topics, this is a reference book that can help you with preparing yourself for exam based on the board method.
لومړی نښه : له اسمان څخه د عيسی عليه السلام کوزېدل محمدصلى الله عليه وسلم فرمایي : أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ رضي الله عنه، قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم وَالَّذِي نَفْسِي بِيَدِهِ لَيُوشِكَنَّ أَنْ يَنْزِلَ فِيكُمُ ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ حَكَمَا
ټولونه مخکې به صفونه برابر کړی يوصف ، دری صفه ،پنځه يا اوه صفونه غوره داده چه طاق وي . دمړی جنازه به د صفونو مخی ته کښيږدی او امام به د مړی د سينی په مقابل کې ودريږي .
د روغتیا لپاره خپل هاضمه سیسټم روغ وساتئ. کله چې هاضمې سيسټم په صحیح ډول فعالیت وکړي نو ډیره اندازه ګټور مواد به جذب کړي کوم به چې د بدن په روغتیا کې ځانګړی ارزښت ولري. روغتیا لپاره دا اړین
خپل منځی رضامندي: داسلامی تجارت يو اساسی شرط خپل منځی رضامندی ده په تجارتی معامله کې دپلورنکی اوپيرودونکی يا بايع اومشتری رضا شرط ده تجارتی جنس (مبيعه) او قيمت (ثمن) به حلال وی: تجارتی جنس به شرعاً حرام نه وي
خواله رسنیو کې موږ سره مل شئ
له نورو سره یې شریکه کړئ