خوښ مو شو؟ شریک یې کړئ

BD Chaurasia Human Anatomy 8th Edition Vol 1



چاپ: 8th
پاڼې: 378
خپرندوی: CBS Publishers & Distributors
بڼه: PDF

BD Chaurasia Human Anatomy 8th Edition Vol 1

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Atomic Habits
Product Description

BD Chaurasia Human Anatomy 8th Edition Vol 1, gives a brief introduction about upper limb and tharoracic part of human anatomy. Written by one of the prominent Indian Anatomist Dr. B.D Chaurasia.

Anatomic characteristics, biomechanical functionality and the clinical context of structures found in upper extremity & thoracic are covered by this book in great detail. Detailed, high-quality illustrative works are supplemented with clear and concise explanations and clinical correlations making this an accessible resource for the learner to gain a comprehensive understanding of these intricate regions.

Volume 1 reviews osteology, joints and muscles of the upper limb in addition to examining the thoracic wall along with diaphragm and breast. Content is logically distributed with chapters covering each relevant anatomical systems and the clinical presentation for all those syndromes.

Part of the acclaimed BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy series, this volume is an essential resource for medical students, healthcare professionals and anyone interested in understanding human anatomy. This book difference from other introduction psychology in the extensive range of topics that it covers and which are presented largely devoid technical jargon – a useful reference for clinical practice by providing practical information .

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