Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results
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Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results
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“Atomic Habits” by James Clear is a systematic roadmap to altering your lifestyle by consistent usage of small, short-term actions. Clear stresses that it is not the big revolutions but the small, manageable habits that you change a little bit by a little bit which accumulate over time that bring the success.
He delves into the science behind habit formation, expounding on what our brains actually do to develop and sustain routines, bad or good.The book introduces the concept of “atomic habits”—tiny, practically invisible actions that, when executed consistently, really do great vanishing.
Clear puts forward a four-stage methodology that includes both creating new habits and relinquishing bad ones: Notice of a pattern, Want for an immediate success, Action, and finally the Well-being arising from the process.
He presents lifelike transcripts, such as habit stacking and environmental design, to encourage healthier and successful habits throughout your day.
In mastering the case studies and lifesize stories, the author demonstrates how everyone can grab the power of even the smallest turnabouts to come up with the most wondrous effects in good health, career or personality revitalization.
Conclusively, “Atomic Habits” is a manual that helps individuals make decidedly lasting improvements ensuring that they focus on what really determines their actions: the subtle, everyday activities which are usually overlooked.
دګمبيرک په هوټل کې ناست ؤم ، يو ځوان چي تقريباً ٢٥ کلن به ؤ ، هوټل ته راننوت ، کښته او پورته يي وکتل ،زما په ليدو يي لوي ،لوي ګامونه واخستل راغي زماڅنګ ته په خالي چوکۍ کښېناست.
سرزمين افغانستان معادن بي شماري دارد كه بعضي آنها كشف و دوره هاي سروي و اكتشافي را پشت سر گذاشته و آماده استخراج هستند و بعضي هم استخراج مي شوند ، ولي باز هم با قاطعيت مي توان گفت تمامي معادن
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يوه نوې څيړنه ښيي چې كوم كسان له خوبه نسبتا وختي راويښېږي ، تر هغو كسانو يې د خوشحالۍ او د ښه صحت د لرلو امكان زيات دي چې سهار ناوخته راپاڅېږي. په روهيامپتون پوهنتون كې محققان وايي چې دوي
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